Saturday 27 September 2014

A walk I never will forget 2

AT first i just said hi and was on my way.
But, i stopped and decided to help his master out.
AfTer some exchangEd words, i realised this poor dog had walking problems, his hind legS seemed weak and he seemed to be leaning on one side more than the other.
I gasped with amazement how he was trying to do his walk dispite of his physical condition.
So, i decided to help him and told him, not to be anxious, as i would help him along.
I talked with him, went over to pat him, i thought it must be difficult to finish such a long walk.
He would s
top and pause,
Refusing to go on.
I would call him, went down to his energy level and got him up to walk again.At times, i would challenge him to do a quicker pace and at times to slow down, to my amazement, he would actually follow my pace.
Later, i found out that his owner had gone for a holiday and he was still adjusting to his new environment and caretaker.

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