Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Emotional Support!

I was taken back three times today.
First, in the day time, while carrying small boy, he licked me on arm I was carrying him.
When I was having doubts about me.
Second time, as I was doing my racing exercise, he licked me again.
This time, I told myself I had to be stronger, at that moment, he licked me, as if to affirm me.
The third time today, I was sharing with him my dreams, and I wondered I would ever get there, just at that moment, he licked me again and again.
The love and support he gives is just amazing.
He does not care whether I get there, or am there,
he just cares enough to there, to listen, to accompany me through my moments of doubt, to be happy that I actually have dreams that matter to me, whether I sound ridiculous or not, no judgements, just respecting me and my feelings.
My God, how many people can do that for you, a boyfriend, a husband, a good friend??????

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