Monday 10 February 2014

Small changes

When I see my babies using two paws to receive their food.
When they call me when dinner is near.
When my small boy lick me for the first time.
I am in awe, today, I saw that my small boy wanted to check out the places I had been in my home.
It was really by chance that I saw the same gesture as my dad would do.
I see the parallel, it is like saying to me, he is checking out this place, he even pee on my floor mat where I was to mark his place.
To tell others he has been here, he would explore the whole area where I was the whole time.
And he was such a sweetie, he would occasionally lick me, at first I thought he was giving me small bites, but realised he was licking me.........
I must say he had been a good company to the shops.... he would be patient with me.
And when I am done, he would stick out his head get his pats.

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