Wednesday 19 February 2014


Animals and Pets are more resilient than I thought, they often heal well, they would let you attend to the wound and let you know you have addressed the are. 
Their worry is different from mine, when something bothers them, they sit by themselves, less activity, but with time, they resume their bubbly selves. 
 They never take heart to scolding or beating, they are quick to resume themselves and ask to be loved.  
I can now request that small boy licks me. He seems to know when I request for him to. His eyes are brighter now.  
He is more attention seeking nowadays and more bold in his explorations.  
But, he knows when to behave when he is outside, he would often peak through the corner of his eyes to see what I am doing. He knows when his head must be in the bag and not out looking else where.

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