Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Learning about living in harmony

My babies have their own disagreement s when they come together, but often this is quickly fogotten and they compete for attention which can be adorable and anoying at the same time. They would still come to me whether I call them. They have remembered me and they know their boundaries while on the grass patches, often they test me , challenge their boundaries,  but still try to keep their spaces clear from the roads ....

Community builders

We often get a sense of joy when chipping in our part, our efforts, not necessarily talents. Often when we know we are all of that picture, what makes it more beautiful is we all moving towards a same goal. The sense of commarade is commentable.

Monday, 28 April 2014

disregarded soul

For some reason, we as humans love pets that look good, cute especially when they are young, but often start to find their weakness an irritating thing.
This female dog has been regarded highly as an intelligent dog.
Due to poor care in the past by previous owners, it began to show signs of aging.
It has bad breath that is being labelled as a smelly dog.
Therefore, she is no longer kept at the beds of her owners, but given an area with her favourite cushion to sleep on.
She too lost her sense of dignity and belonging.
I chanced upon having a dog's bed, decided that she deservers it more than my pets.
After giving it to her, I was told that she really liked it so much, and was able to sleep on it the entire night peacefully, without getting to roam about into the owner's bed.
It taught that even dog's teach us about self importance in the healthy way.

All a little gesture means so much to another

helping another young rabbit find contentment

I feel that I have helped a baby rabbit settle down in his new home.
He was never bathed before, never got his nails cut, his paws filled with dried moulds, underneath his feet were wounds, as if someone torn into his fur too much at a time. One side of his eyes, on the lower lid, was inflamed.
He seemed pretty contented after his bath, we soothed his wounds and inflammation.
All seemed pretty new for us all.
But, my contentment was to see him so satisfied after that.
Helping to feel welcomed, accepted, ......
A great boost to my soul.

Young baby rabbit

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Sharing a bigger cage

I feel it is only fair that big boy has got his partner,  girl girl.
Seems that they are getting on fine.

Getting the hang of wanting being out there

The longer they are out there to explore, their hearts will become free and not want to go home and be caged up.

Saturday, 26 April 2014

small boy who would still be eating when it is time home

See how I have to catch him to make him go home.

favourite spots for girl girl

outing 4



5th outing

There seems to have some improvement on small boy's behavior and I think because he is now without any leash and also encountered a dog and the obedience of the dog' s behavior at the command of his owner.
He now no longers bullies the other two, in fact, he would go over and talk with them, befriend them.
Big boy is now better adjusted to his new play ground, he runs a little more.
Girl loves this spot at the bottom of a tree. She has found a net to feel comfortable in.

Friday, 25 April 2014

A need for a leader whom we can discover our potential and freedom!

Pain afflicted is often a way to get others to do what we will.
Thinking it is the means of getting things done or playing safe.
Whether it is done to animals or man.
We fail to develop the inner mindfulness to still ourselves and therefore controlled and affected by our environment, culture, ego, greed.
We fail to nurture the capacity of our souls.
We operate on the level which is based on the lack of knowledge and understanding of our innate potential as spiritual  beings.
I think animals too longed for a leader whom they can look up to, respect and love, with that comes self understanding,  love for oneself without abusing one's rights, confidence, freedom, trust, obedience.
One is encouraged to be the best of themselves without fear of losing the furry, passion, ambition, dignity freely given to them.
Someone who is grounded, strong but gentle, firm but kind, like a mother having her baby at her bosoms with assurances and acceptance.
And most importantly,  to discover and have bonded relationships with humans to co-exist and help each other to grow on this journey,  this life time. A spiritual evolution indeed! A higher of consciousness my babies have taught me.

Non use of hash, loud, impatient, voice, to control,....

I have been a strong believer in commuicating with non violent means, whether with other fellow man or animals.
Ever since the arrival of my 3 babies, I have been improving my way of commuicating esp with animals.
Although, they do not talk, it does not mean they don't understand....
In fact, they read subtle signs that I often miss.
We use words, they read our body language and understand us with our emotions, without sepearating them.
Their peception clearer without the junk we humans have accumulated.
Therefore, containing less judgements.
They forgive quickly,  they are gentle, loving and encouraging.
They just need reminders,  something we humans need too.
Until, they know, they understand my commands,  even without raising my voice.
I use to be talking down to them,  with little perception of their ability to comprehend.
But, I can now say that I don't hv to bind them, control them, force them, shout at them, however, sometimes the mentioned,  I still do but with more awareness.
I don't want to use fear to control them, to discipline them.
But, I still need to be patient with them, allowing them space to choose and discover their right to be in the space they are at.
I feel this way, it is an effort less but effective way to communicate and in this way both parties are happier, without stripping our rights and dignities.
I feel more at peace and  in a way I can connect better with the softness , gentleness inside me and them.
I feel each others presence.
What more spiritual do I want?

4th outing

Our outing today was the best, the minute small boy saw the green patch land, he
Ran like an wild horse, their instinct as the symbol suggests, freedom.
He became alive, curious and unafraid.
Today, girl later tread the similar path as boy, only to find her favourite spot and refuse to move.
This time boy did not attack or harassed the others.
He was occupied with exploration.
Big boy took the longest time to adjust and trek.
Later, all my babies found their comfortable spot to just be, relaxed, enjoying the greens.
I realised how wrong I have been to keep them prisoners in their cages and halter.
With trust, I let roam, gave them free wills, reminded them when they tested boundaries. They treasure their new found freedom. Even with their own spaces, they needed me around.  I feel blessed.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Third outing

Today small boy was better behaved,  he explored better without the halter. He loves to do opposite of his sister, likewise his sister likes to imitate him when he does things to keep me busy. The next moment, she will do what he does. And big boy has loosen up lots. He was able to enjoy me turning him upside down and play with him.
After having sitted with a dog, I learned to discipline them, my small boy and my friend's dog. I have asked both to sit at different places and not go into each other's territory. In fact, small boy was able to understand the meaning of sit. I realised that they both can learn to sit without disturbing the other. With lots of reminders. One has to be really patient.
I realised that my small boy can be taught the things dogs are taught too, like how to to respect the space of others and their own territory.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Our time being together

My silly small boy

Our second time out, this time small boy was the naughtier  one, he went to disturb girl and big boy.
As if to show his dominance and new found courage with the rest. Girl and Boy took shelter under me, knowing I would protect them from small boy. The only real brave one was Girl, she took fight, would explore going down and up the hill by herself. She would race from one end to the other and come back looking for me as if to assure me or to seek assurance. Her style was not unusual, but a typical Girl way expression. The first time, I would shout if she had gone out of the way, but this time I was ready and sure she would come for me again. Big boy would come and stand on his 2 legs and his paws reaching out to lean on my thighs, his way of seeking me out. Small boy would lowered his head at a ground level as a sign of submission to his owner. In the end all my babies would come to me and hope that I give them a pat and a rub on their foreheads.

Our first walk, run, tease in the garden of Bukit Batok

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Why I choose to have genuine relationships

My 3 babies, have been the most precious expression of love, affection, understanding, in being human, I learn from them the meaning to be free, the choice to be with me around,  the comfort and familarity of my voice, presence in their lives. We are all here to co-exist on earth for this period, I feel so previledge to have them and look forward to be with them. They have taught me to risk, love, care, responsibility.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Underneath my bed

Tried to train small boy

Today's session was getting him to be warmed up to the containers. One for him to hide because it is deep. The other is a dog's bed, I got it in the shops for him to have his space in my room. In the end, he seems to lie with his 4 feet down in a more comfortable position, but not inside his crates, rather outside. I sense he can feel more homely, occasionally gets drawn by his surroundings, would do a survey. And back. One moment, he decided to run off from my room, I warned him, he ran back into my room, sourcing for food, as earlier he discovered th3 empty bag of his favourite treats, honey stars. He put his whole head in to search for his stars qnd moons. Other than that, he would lie facing me at opposite ends.We would nap together.He would refuse to come out from underneath my bed, I would just need to leave the room for a while, and he would come out tolook for me, allow me to carry him, usually back to his cage.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Forget about catergories

Many think that only dogs can be trained, called, do tricks.......But, it is stereotyping animals to their kind and not encouraging them to reach their potential.

Treats for training

It may seem to work for any kind of training for animals. I am convinced that my babies can be trained to communicate,  obedient and understand commands.

Crate training for small boy

I have decided that he has to learn to be on his own without messing up my room. Usually,  when he is taken to my room, he will become restless, expecting me to pick him up and cuddle him. But recently, I realise I have not taught him to be happy to be at one place without being unhappy. I have a habbit of tucking him under my bed, where he would feel safe, but I personally don't like to get them out afterwards.  So, I bought 2 types of shelters for him to try out. I believe he will like his new space and have a sense of belonging whenever I have to work and have him in my room at the same time.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

My small boy

If I am taking a nap and is past his meal time, he wakes me.
He waits patient lý for me while I do my grocery, buy my tea.
He prays with me in church.
He sharès the same waffle, snatches with me to have a bite.
Loves to sit and ride the bike.
Licks to affirm me all the time.
Nips at me for reminder and attention.
Needs affection and ask for when needed.
Winks at me, to confirmed he heard me.
Or when he is being cheeky,
Gentle, curious.
Quick to forgive.
Grateful to you when he is offered more than he can eat.
Make me be present when I am with him, he seems to know my intentions.
He is not choosy with his food.l am not worry with the type, brands.....
Contentment, I see even after a brief hug.
Understands commands.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

My little puppy

He neither is 100 percent obedient, neither can he bark, but he keeps watch, shares with me the same waffle, prays with me, rides with me.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Cuddling for girls

The recent outing with baby girl, she seems to like to tug and tunnel her way through my arms, as if shovelling her nose through my blouse. Am rather wary of her teeth that nips on my blouse as a sign that she is enjoying her play. She keeps it playful, peeping on me, then hiding herself underneath my arms. She does it every few minutes.  It seems this is her favourite way of connecting. After which she is satisfied and does not complain, but sits aside showing off her contentment to the other 2 boys looking on.

Monday, 14 April 2014

To get your pets to do be obedient

Require s the nature of the pet and the harmony between his owner and him. With that relationship which is of love, firmness, can see results in one's pet change and move accordance to what is required of him.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Loving and being loved

Baby boy had not taken his hay in the morning.
But, he is happy to get the attention.
Fed him, ok I thought he the new species of veg did not agree with him.
While waiting for my transport,  I cuddled, played with him.
Immediately,  when I placed him back in the bus, he bit into the fresh veg I bought.
So, listen here, pets sometimes need to know they are loved,  they do not just need your attention to fill up his gap.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Boy found ground

I brought small boy with me from 230pm, he lasted without water and food for 5hours. Did not wine, just popped his head out a couple of times. Lifted his feet and stamped in protest. But remained still in his temporary grounds.
He relaxed after I went down and listened to talks, that is because I laughed, was not so uptight.
He began to lick me again not before. He was such a good companion, stayed with me the entire time, without being unhappy and complains.
I reward ed him with eating fresh grass on the compounds.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Found a green ground with children who adores my babies

It is a small compound with big trees with lovely patches of grass land. The children all know each other by names, they are almost at the playground unlike our nearby playground. These children from various nationality gather whenever I turn up. They would whisper, the rabbit is here. They have been the most helpful bunch of kids I have ever seen so far, running to rescue ah boy when he ran underneath the car and refused to come out. They would bring out sticks, carrots, vegetables. All age groups, trying to help get ah boy out. Now, I have made a pact with them to come weekly to see them and let them play and walk with my babies.

My baby girl

She wants to play with me in her language.
Tucking herself, nipping into my clothes, peeping to check me out.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Opps, forgot our hugs

The day passed without hugging my babies.
Then the plugging by one of them, I thought it was time to change their diapers, but no, their food content still full, what were they up to.
I settled girl, sensing her whimperings again.
I held her, but still she whines.
Brought her , held her on my chest, gently caressed her, her head resting on my my shoulders.
She calmed down, talked to her about my day, apologise d gor not being able to take them out cause of the pour.
She looked up, I continued talking. Sensing that she still needs coaxing and gentle reminders that it is ok.
I flipped her on her back leaning into my arms.
She allows only if I am gentle and show my interest for a cuddle.
What I thought as extra work, soon became a blessing for me. The warmth,  the look in her eyes, the gentleness I gave away was returned back to me, I forgot my soul and emotions were much alive.
Temporary ly, vacant my thoughts ...only filled with such presence of love and warmth in my soul and heart.
Afterthat, I did not hear even a whisper from any of them for the day.
They remind me of simplicity,  live, warmth and the feeling of someone near.

Monday, 7 April 2014

All my babies

Atlas, I have triggered all my babies to lick as a sign of their token of acceptance.
Even big boy managed to give me a lick, they seem to read my mind of what I hope from them.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Getting into the rabbit's den

Almost caught me, I put my finger into her mouth,  with her upper and lower jaw losen up. All ready to pounce on my flesh, but thank God!
She is a vegetarian and have no interest to snap on my finger. I wanted her to adjust the strength that goes into her jaws. I encourage d her to nibble on my finger, sometimes to play and to encourage her to lick me.
Never to get into her den without checking out her mood. Just kidding, she does sense if you pull away is because of pain or to play jaw games. She wants me to explore and play, cuddle her with her idiosyncrasies and whimperings. She enjoys the attention and closeness, affections. Very deceiving on the external. But, the truth, she wants to be accepted and love.