Tuesday 8 April 2014

Opps, forgot our hugs

The day passed without hugging my babies.
Then the plugging by one of them, I thought it was time to change their diapers, but no, their food content still full, what were they up to.
I settled girl, sensing her whimperings again.
I held her, but still she whines.
Brought her , held her on my chest, gently caressed her, her head resting on my my shoulders.
She calmed down, talked to her about my day, apologise d gor not being able to take them out cause of the pour.
She looked up, I continued talking. Sensing that she still needs coaxing and gentle reminders that it is ok.
I flipped her on her back leaning into my arms.
She allows only if I am gentle and show my interest for a cuddle.
What I thought as extra work, soon became a blessing for me. The warmth,  the look in her eyes, the gentleness I gave away was returned back to me, I forgot my soul and emotions were much alive.
Temporary ly, vacant my thoughts ...only filled with such presence of love and warmth in my soul and heart.
Afterthat, I did not hear even a whisper from any of them for the day.
They remind me of simplicity,  live, warmth and the feeling of someone near.

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