Friday, 25 April 2014

Non use of hash, loud, impatient, voice, to control,....

I have been a strong believer in commuicating with non violent means, whether with other fellow man or animals.
Ever since the arrival of my 3 babies, I have been improving my way of commuicating esp with animals.
Although, they do not talk, it does not mean they don't understand....
In fact, they read subtle signs that I often miss.
We use words, they read our body language and understand us with our emotions, without sepearating them.
Their peception clearer without the junk we humans have accumulated.
Therefore, containing less judgements.
They forgive quickly,  they are gentle, loving and encouraging.
They just need reminders,  something we humans need too.
Until, they know, they understand my commands,  even without raising my voice.
I use to be talking down to them,  with little perception of their ability to comprehend.
But, I can now say that I don't hv to bind them, control them, force them, shout at them, however, sometimes the mentioned,  I still do but with more awareness.
I don't want to use fear to control them, to discipline them.
But, I still need to be patient with them, allowing them space to choose and discover their right to be in the space they are at.
I feel this way, it is an effort less but effective way to communicate and in this way both parties are happier, without stripping our rights and dignities.
I feel more at peace and  in a way I can connect better with the softness , gentleness inside me and them.
I feel each others presence.
What more spiritual do I want?

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