Monday, 30 June 2014
What will be given
When life hands u rotton gestures
You hand out what is available.
It reaches out to you.
Because of Sweetie, I have met wonderful people and got noticed in my neighborhood.
Lately, I read about James Bowen'life in the streets.
He met a cat, nursed the cat back and it return the cat followed him whenever he went.
He did try to ask the cat to go.
Animals are grateful whenever you are kind and generous, they read our hearts not not the results.
They look up to you as someone special and worth giving their livea for.
Most importantly, spirit know s what most and needed to give the person in return.
For Bowen, a life worth living.
A roof under his head and warm cooked meals.
So, be kind and do not expect anything in return, the next person to receive could be you.
Sunday, 29 June 2014
The unconditional love
When animals hear you.
They respone most beautiful ly.
They seem to understand what you are feeling.
They listen till the end.
They look out for you esp when you look out for them.
They shower u with endless love in the body and form they have.
Thw intention are the same.
Their unconditional love is wonderful to receive.
Sometimes, they want u to hold them closer for you to feel their care and concern.
Like their way of looking out for you in their special way.
You know they care and you do matter.
They can be companions when no one is out there at thw moment.
They are always waiting for you to let them know how you are feeling.
Their look will never be of rejection, but look towards you as their special owner, protector and keeper.
The bond will never die as their message to you will be revealed.
You will see them with different eyes.
The ones that kept u perceiving with weary eyes,
get transformed into a lifetime of service when u response with gratitude.
Friday, 27 June 2014
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Small boy
Any animal or human treated with care, given proper space will become peaceful, relaxed.
However, if this space is dominated by a male, the likelihood, he will fight for this space.
If a female enters his domain, she will be taken advantage of.
Unless, the male is kept on the look out.
However, if he is treated individual ly, he will take delight and transform to become a meek lamb and will want to please you at all cost.
Baby girl
She has been asking attention from me.
She would throw her toy to show her restlessness and need for attention.
I took her, immediately she quite n down.
Her warmth comfort ed my weary spirit.
I brought her to hv a short nap. She willingly allowed herself to be placed underneath my arms, while I closed my eyes.
Monday, 23 June 2014
Verifying a newly taught attitude and behavior
My girl has recently, gave me lots of stress when I brought her out.
Moreover, I have been spending time to encourage her to lick and express herself in a less aggressive manner.
However, she has on and off tried, but not given her full permission to allow me to teach her, or for her to use her licking skills more readily.
However, she really suprised me recently, she has been aware of my absence for a while since I was down with minor sickness.
She was looking for me and initiated wanting having contact with me.
I was taken back when she suddenly bursted into a episode of licking me when I requested.
I guess ed it took time, even when it did not produce the desired results, I did not give up, although, I was irritated, angry... I did not punish her, instead, I spoke to her when I was calm. And not in front of others.
In fact, I spoke gently to her, letting her know how I felt and that I love her dispite the stress that she created for me.
I held her close to me when I told her.
I guessed when we feel safe, allowed to be silly, yet loved, we automatically become more ready to please, to be better, knowing we are accepted for our differences.
It can be challenging, as we love more those who are obedient, listen, easy to teach, please us more readily.
But, it is those who challenge our perception, personalities, that disturb our automated way of being that gives us the greatest satisfaction of being alive , being in harmony with our humanity.
Many of us think that harsh words, self- criticism, will make us more motivated.
Yes, I agree it toughens one's self, however it isn't as nuturing as giving one compassion, to validate, to be there for oneself without judgment.
Science has shown
That as humans we have both the reptile brain and the mamal brain.
Our reptile brain thinking when we are being threatened that we are less good, or fail to meet the mark, releases cortisol and adrenaline hormones to protect and eventually shut our system down.
Our mamal brain however, does the opposite, when we have love, we are close to someone, when we are touched and embraced with hugs and kisses when we fail to meet the mark, our loving and gentle voice lifts us by a kind word, we immediately release oxytocin and opiates to our bodies, making us feel safe, comfort ed, good about ourselves..
In the long run, our calm minds and comfort ed bodies will give us a state that we can be ourselves, confident, unafraid.
Therefore, forging one to do our best.
This reseach is done by Dr Krustin Neff, Associate Professor in Human Development abd Culture.
So, why not give ourselves a hug today instead of biting off our inner selves to become better, healthy, emotionally stronger beings.
Friday, 20 June 2014
Monday, 16 June 2014
Girl was horrific when I took her out.
Less than a minute later, she began restless!
Began her routines, digging, chewing, moving around.
Her set of stunts pulled off rather smoothly except I have no clue that she had began a series of stressful and embrassing stunts.
I placed it in her bag an empty tea with ice, thinking the ice might hold her attention.
For a moment, it worked.
However, I failed to realise that she toppled the melting ice tea.
A feeling of uneasy feeling crept in, I thought it was me.....
Somehow, just as I was heading out towards the opening doors of the train, I felt something, to my dismay, I saw a pool of yellowish liquid and grabbed whatever I had......only to dash out of a exit door.
I spent some time decipher ing whether it was the tea or her usual urine.
Next, we just completed more than an hour of walk ...
Just as I was about to purchase items,
I suddenly had a hunch, moved her bag away from me,
there and then she did her urine again.
Some how, I could sense her , despite not seeing her actions.
It was amazing, how did I know?
My level of sensing and awareness had made such an impact on me.
Anyhow, this time it was her urine. I managed to draw her away from me ....on time???????
I got into the train, my friend who was with me got .....
Added stress.
Girl had to sit on her own.
Girl was ......
I quickly felt I had to entertain her as she was looking worn out.
She licked me, as a way of us making up after her second time messing up.
After we got down, I was going to have a good talk with her...
I realised she was exceptional ly centered.
She was relaxed and so was I.
I was taken back that I did not kick up a fuss abt her messing up today.
Instead, I was very calm and I spoke in a very gentle manner.
Kept her still sitting with me.
I could not reprimand her with that serenity in her outlook, posture.
She seemed well behaved when I am alone with her.
I thought over, I probably had to be more understanding why she was behaving this way, her insane way of playing by the rules yet making me explode.
Motivated with patience, love, kindness, trust for my girl, I think I can accept all that she is.
Having increased of the things mentioned, she is more loving and affection towards me these days.
Though, we all have our flaws, I think the time out together had strengthened both our bonds.
Bonding beyond words
Sensing in a world
Filling it up
Empty feelings
Connect ing beyond language s
Totally bewildering
Beyond the horizon s of what cannot be heard, yet felt, heard, a gut feeling that is uncanny, is it just by chance?
I cannot know except the result
The more I trust in this intuition, the more I bond
Attracting me beyonds the borders of safety and the known
Saturday, 14 June 2014
Lately, girl has learned to ask for affection, hugs and attention.
However, she gets bored easily and needs interaction.
She now no longer bites as much, especially when I put my fingers near her teeth.
I am encouraging her to lick me.
In fact, she sometimes do.
Spanking for her has not much effect.
She needs total attention still and will let u know that you have strayed away.
I hv to communicate with her more, talk with her, assure her and guide her to be ok without attention all the time.
Patience and repeatition is needed to enforce this attitude into her.
I too have to accept her restlessness and active nature by distracting her, satisfy her innate curiosity and put her in safe boundaries that is requested.
She is very intelligent and sharp.
There is little I need to say, except to keep her occupy and present with me.
She is less suspicious of me now, ready to trust and allow me to help her grow to become more loveable and still keeping her good instincts to protect herself.
I love you, girl!
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
I miss my babies already
Just a few hours away from them, I find myself wanting to hug them again.
I hope to bond with girl, hoping to get more licks from her.
She gave me 2 li ks today after trimming the remaining.
I was taken back by her gesture, as she never had given me a lick or pat after I bathe or trimmed her.
I want to hold small boy and make him sleep in my arms.
I also want to hold big boy, or to say hello.
Grooming them has build a sort of bond between us.
Understanding the textures of their fur, their body shape, what makes them look neat and compact.
This has been the most valuable experience I had the last 2 weeks.
Making sure the hair shedding period for us will be less a hastle and more of a wonderful experience.
A weather like here, any amt of hair will make one very grumper and irritated.
The amt of wk that goes into trimming and grooming is tremendous.
But, once u learn how and under stand how to, it will become easier and less worried abt the results.
I must thank all of them to let me have my hands on their grooming.
Having said that I recalled having to get a professional groomer do he job as I messed up.
After at least 3 years of having rabbits, I can safely say that I am on the right track.
I now know what I am doing and respect that trimming fur is not just taking the scissors and snip off unwanted fur without any consideration and understand ing my rabbits.
I have become more confident and humble.
And not cut without thought and research.
I am helping others manage grooming their bunnies.
What feels alive?
Ever felt you are screaming out yet on one understands?
Have u met people who have given up on themselves, which equals to waiting to die!
Have you seen people who have all the riches, yet are lonely and agressive.
Do you feel that people who are beautiful are usually not about their appearance, but how they make you feel when they are around.
Have you seen people who do not have a family yet reaches out and finds home?
Do you know that even rabbits know their way home?
Are you caught up with images of photo shoot that never fails to make the impression yet become disappointed with how you look and become the victim of false appear ence that make u loose yourself.
The impression of who we are, are usually being ridiculed.
When we are honest and sincere, we are fault ed.
But, when we being fake and pleasing, we are being liked by people.
Have you seen a dying person light up like a light bulb.
A healthy person appeari ng sad and no new dreams to chase.
A jobless person reaching out making purpose in life.
What becomes dead inside an alive body.
And a dying person becoming alive in spirit and soul.
What becomes alive beyond, appreance, words, deeds, is our will, courage, spirit and soul.
Staying Alive
Without love, we are empty.
Without food, we hunger.
Without water we die.
Without direction, we float.
Without a strong, loving hand holding us, we are unable to get up.
Without passion, we are like machines.
Without friends we become suspicious, always on guard something is going to happen.
Without hugs, we become objects.
Without God, I cease to be a being.
Random fools
We are caught up with technology.
We think without it, we will not being able to function.
We live in the age of information, without a brain or a heart?
We are here for a moment, yet gone tomorrow.
We fail to cherish and nourish what cannot be seen but felt.
We ignore the signs it shows us.
We strive for perfection without tolerance for impetfections.
Yet, our destination is about our flaws, vulnerabilities.
Monday, 9 June 2014
The power play
Although, I hv 2 boys and a girl. The two boys are quite protective of her, they are the ones that can bully her. But, when the bigger one bullys her, the smaller boy would attack the big boy. And, when the 2 boys fight , girl will bunge in, to take away the bully's attention.
But, the 2boys are really afraid of the girl.
When she is well, they are restful.
When they are not behaving, the person to place the attention is the girl, cause usually she can be the most naughty and intelligent among the boys.
So, if I hold on to her reins and manage her well.
The other 2 will follow automatically.
Girl has transformed
After I placed her with big boy, her moods, readiness for affections have changed tremendously.
I notice she whins less.
Less suspicious of others.
Less agressive.
She now even licks more generous.
She seems to be less attention seeking.
When I see her grow more calm, tame, loving..
I feel she has overcome her darkness in some ways.
I swear that's love
After having baby boy against my body, our temperature started to feel connected, comfortable, as if we were part of each other.
When the colour, shape, size, kind of breed does not matter
I guess I hv been most previledge d to hv taken care of my twins. They are the kind, you would not want to miss. Having been selected by their owner as not pure enough or perfect. They were sold in the market. As if they were pure, no defects, esp their fur color, they eithet be kept or sold as exotic breed.
Not knowing by their owner, the kind of petsonality, they were sold away as babies.
Many hv asked me to breed mine, I hv refused.
Because I hv the perfect opposites pair, intelligent, affectionate, loving babies ever. There will no other like them.
An't I a proud mummy.
Also, many obstacles like allegies, not good companion s as our astrology clash.
Why ?should I give them up? After raising them up so well????
The more I should care for them!
Make sure they are happy.
And be happy raising them.
A pet on me by my pets
I have been trying out grooming my babies, it is making some headway.
Learn ing to bathe them, trim them especially when their fur is falling off.
It happens at least once a year when it is shedding time.
Cut their nails, finding ways to cope with their fur when I am asthmatic.
I can say I am doing a terrific job, where by I use a good pair of scissors, good sense of judgement how much to trim, knowing their shape, what makes them beautiful, understanding the vulnerable skin areas of rabbits esp on their hands and feet.
Wa la, my job's done.
When I talk more with animal lovers, I see and know that all creatures can recognise, home, love and whose is the boss!!!
Finding home
After boyboy's trimming session, he was happy and content ed to receive his hugs and kisses. Suddenly, without preparation, he slipped out from my arms and run along the pathway of the houses, l let him and after a while, I called out to him, walked towards his direction hoping to get him back, he just would not allow me to get hold to him. Just when I was tired and getting annoyed, he ran towards the direction of our home, he stood there for a moment, checked out the opened gate and door, dashed straight into where the others were, he went to look for big boy and girl girl.
Many hv asked me whether rabbits recognized their owners, I wld say, he knows where he stays!!!
Sunday, 8 June 2014
Saturday, 7 June 2014
Monday, 2 June 2014
Patience with my babies
Lately, I hv been on and off taking them out, but whenever I can, I would take them on my rides to get tea, breakfast, groceries.
They have been the most wonderful thing that bring me acceptance, gentleness, kindness, heaps of unconditional love.
I have become less a disciplinarian, more gentle and discount their momentarily foolish behavior.
In turn, they have been more loving, more behaving.
Looking upward s with their shinning eyes.
Knowing who to call upon, get their attention, and their daily food from.
I learn, that we as child ren of God also need to be like children, looking always upwards to all we need.
I have been connecting with other soulful like ceatures, and lately I have to invited to reach out to an injured bird.
Moments, like these are precious and purposeful.