Monday 9 June 2014

When the colour, shape, size, kind of breed does not matter

I guess I hv been most previledge d to hv taken care of my twins. They are the kind, you would not want to miss. Having been selected by their owner as not pure enough or perfect.  They were sold in the market. As if they were pure, no defects, esp their fur color,  they eithet be kept or sold as exotic breed.
Not knowing by their owner, the kind of petsonality, they were sold away as babies.
Many hv asked me to breed mine, I hv refused.
Because I hv the perfect opposites pair,  intelligent, affectionate, loving babies ever. There will no other like them.
An't I a proud mummy.
Also, many obstacles like allegies,  not good companion s as our astrology clash.
Why ?should I give them up? After raising them up so well????
The more I should care for them!
Make sure they are happy.
And be happy raising them.

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