Tuesday 10 June 2014

What feels alive?

Ever felt you are screaming out yet on one understands?
Have u met people who have given up on themselves,  which equals to waiting to die!
Have you seen people who have all the riches, yet are lonely and agressive.
Do you feel that people who are beautiful are usually not about their appearance, but how they make you feel when they are around.
Have you seen people who do not have a family yet reaches out and finds home?
Do you know that even rabbits know their way home?
Are you caught up with images of photo shoot that never fails to make the impression yet become disappointed with how you look and become the victim of false appear ence that make u loose yourself.
The impression of who we are, are usually being ridiculed.
When we are honest and sincere,  we are fault ed.
But, when we being fake and pleasing, we are being liked by people.
Have you seen a dying person light up like a light bulb.
A healthy person appeari ng sad and  no new dreams to chase.
A jobless person reaching out making purpose in life.
What becomes dead inside an alive body.
And a dying person becoming alive in spirit and soul.
What becomes alive beyond, appreance, words, deeds, is our will, courage, spirit and soul.

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