Monday 23 June 2014

Verifying a newly taught attitude and behavior

My girl has recently, gave me lots of stress when I brought her out.
Moreover, I have been spending time to encourage her to lick and express herself in a less aggressive manner.
However,  she has on and off tried, but not given her full permission to allow me to teach her, or for her to use her licking skills more readily.
However, she really suprised me recently, she has been aware of my absence for a while since I was down with minor sickness.
She was looking for me and initiated wanting having contact with me.
I was taken back when she suddenly bursted into a episode of licking me when I requested.
I guess ed it took time, even when it did not produce the desired results,  I did not give up, although, I was irritated,  angry... I did not punish her, instead, I spoke to her when I was calm. And not in front of others.
In fact, I spoke gently to her, letting her know how I felt and that I love her dispite the stress that she created for me.
I held her close to me when I told her.
I guessed when we feel safe, allowed to be silly, yet loved, we automatically become more ready to please, to be better, knowing we are accepted for our differences.
It can be challenging,  as we love more those who are obedient, listen, easy to teach, please us more readily.
But, it is those who challenge our perception, personalities,  that disturb our automated way of being that gives us the greatest satisfaction of being alive , being in harmony with our humanity.

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