Monday 23 June 2014


Many of us think that harsh words, self- criticism,  will make us more motivated.
Yes, I agree it toughens one's self, however it isn't as nuturing as giving one compassion, to validate, to be there for oneself without judgment.
Science has shown
That as humans we have both the reptile brain and the mamal brain.
Our reptile brain thinking when we are being threatened that we are less good, or fail to meet the mark, releases cortisol and adrenaline hormones to protect and eventually shut our system down.
Our mamal brain however, does the opposite, when we have love, we are close to someone, when we are touched and embraced with hugs and kisses when we fail to meet the mark, our loving and gentle voice lifts us by a kind word, we immediately release oxytocin and opiates to our bodies, making us feel safe, comfort ed, good about ourselves..
In the long run, our calm minds and comfort ed bodies will give us a state that we can be ourselves, confident, unafraid.
Therefore, forging one to do our best.
This reseach is done by Dr Krustin Neff, Associate Professor in Human Development abd Culture.
So, why not give ourselves a hug today instead of biting off our inner selves to become better, healthy,  emotionally stronger beings.

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