Saturday 14 June 2014


Lately, girl has learned to ask for affection, hugs and attention.
However,  she gets bored easily and needs interaction.
She now no longer bites as much, especially when I put my fingers near her teeth.
I am encouraging her to lick me.
In fact, she sometimes do.
Spanking for her has not much effect.
She needs total attention still and will let u know that you have strayed away.
I hv to communicate with her more, talk with her, assure her and guide her to be ok without attention all the time.
Patience and repeatition is needed to enforce this attitude into her.
I too have to accept her restlessness and active nature by distracting her, satisfy her innate curiosity and put her in safe boundaries that is requested.
She is very  intelligent and sharp.
There is little I need to say, except to keep her occupy and present with me.
She is less suspicious of me now, ready to trust and allow me to help her grow to  become more loveable and still keeping her good instincts to protect herself.
I love you, girl!

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