Monday 30 June 2014

What will be given

When life hands u rotton gestures
You hand out what is available.
It reaches out to you.
Because of Sweetie, I have met wonderful people and got noticed in my neighborhood.
Lately, I read about James Bowen'life in the streets.
He met a cat, nursed the cat back and it return the cat followed him whenever he went.
He did try to ask the cat to go.
Animals are grateful whenever you are kind and generous, they read our hearts not not the results.
They look up to you as someone special and worth giving their livea for.
Most importantly,  spirit know s what most and needed to give the person in return.
For Bowen, a life worth living.
A roof under his head and warm cooked meals.
So, be kind and do not expect anything in return, the next person to receive could be you.

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