Sunday 29 June 2014

The unconditional love

When animals hear you.
They respone most beautiful ly.
They seem to understand what you are feeling.
They listen till the end.
They look out for you esp when you look out for them.
They shower u with endless love in the body and form they have.
Thw intention are the same.
Their unconditional love is  wonderful to receive.
Sometimes, they want u to hold them closer for you to feel their care and concern.
Like their way of looking out for you in their special way.
You know they care and you do matter.
They can be companions when no one is out there at thw moment.
They are always waiting for you to let them know how you are feeling.
Their look will never be of rejection, but look towards you as their special owner, protector and keeper.
The bond will never die as their message to you will be revealed.
You will see them with different eyes.
The ones that kept u perceiving with weary eyes,
get transformed into a lifetime of service when u response with gratitude.

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